On Sunday,  Cary's Book 7 class came to my apartment to cook Shepard's Pie and Brownies.  I taught the class when they were book six, so I was familiar with some of the students.

Shepard's Pie, you ask?  Well, our version includes:  a layer of ground beef, a layer of cheese, corn, and topped with mashed potatoes.  Mmmm.  (When I make it for me, it's more like: beef. cheese. corn. cheese. potatoes. cheese.)    We had low hopes for it, as the extent  of Chinese kid's exposure to western food is pizza and hamburgers.

Some of the kids were super sweet (read: Mellisa and Hannah).  They couldn't get enough of helping peel, mix, and mash. Then, there was James.  James was in and out of everything in his reach. Jumping on my bed.  Crawling under my bed (found a couple lost socks and a cup!)  If he'd been a little American kid, I would have gave him a lecture and threatened to call his parents. But, saying that in Chinese isn't as effective, and our boss was helping me in the kitchen (completely enthralled by my western cooking methods.)

3/15/2011 03:12:54 pm

Do they have ground beef in Shanghai now? And do you have an oven? I'm curious how you were able to make the shepherd's pie.

3/20/2011 03:09:52 pm

This is so amazing to hear about. I am so glad you were able to expose them to some real American food, they look adorable and I can only imagine the fun you had!


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